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Outdoor Event Planning

Bidisha Mukherjee
The task of outdoor event planning is challenging, and at the same time, exciting. In this story, you will find lots of information regarding the obstacles faced when planning an outdoor event.
An outdoor event can be anything, like a wedding ceremony, a graduation ceremony, or just a birthday party. It can be organized at a hotel lawn, a patio, a golf course, or by the side of a swimming pool. The planning for such a function is quite different from that of what one has indoors.
Here, additional preparation is required to tackle the problems associated with a natural environment.

Things to Remember

The settings for an outdoor event look brilliant because of the view you get. It could be the mountains, the garden with a full bloom, or just the cityscape form a brilliant backdrop.
Hence, you do not have to bother much about the decoration of the venue. However, you have to take some measures to provide adequate safety and comfort to the guests. Some important factors need to be considered and dealt with accordingly, some of which are given below.
1. Handling Weather Conditions

A dry and warm day with bright sunlight is the ideal weather for such an occasion. However, weather is the most unpredictable aspect of nature. You never know when the heat can become unbearable or when there will be a sudden rain or thunderstorm.
Therefore, it is always advisable to keep a backup plan to tackle any change in weather. Keep an indoor space adjacent to the venue available for a bad weather. You can keep some portable pavilions to provide instant protection to the guests from the sun or unexpected rains.
There are some canopies with beautiful designs that can serve both the purposes, of being a roof as well as side screens. In the summer, install portable air conditioners in place of fans. This ensures a better cooling effect, it is noiseless and the air conditioners do not cause any kind of intrusion.
2. Requirements of the Venue

Go for an inspection of the chosen venue at the time when the function is likely to be held. This will help you decide on the kinds of lights and shades required. This is important for an afternoon or evening party, as you have to make lighting arrangements accordingly.
Even the glare of the sun before sunset causes a lot of trouble, and so, you have to arrange for shades in the seating and the buffet area.
3. Tackling Insects

Food is the main attraction for the insects. A little bit of planning can enable you to tackle these small menaces. Place some bowls containing sugar water in different locations of the party area to keep the insects engaged so that they do not prove to be an inconvenience to your guests.
Use decorative mesh lids to cover all the platters, and prevent the flies and bees from disrupting the elegance of the evening. Insects often try to get into the venue through the intake vents of the air conditioners, so cover these well.
If they get trapped inside, they can block normal flow of air. Also, keep mosquito repellents ready for controlling any mosquitoes.
4. Food

There are lots of restrictions on the kind of foods that you can serve. Certain food items cannot be kept unrefrigerated even for a brief period of time. Shellfish, cream pies, and certain types of meat get spoiled very quickly. You should avoid any cream or mayonnaise-based foods, as bacteria can grow in them and cause food poisoning.
On a hot and humid day, never serve a hot and heavy meal. Humidity also causes potato chips, pretzels, bread, and cut cheese to wilt very quickly. Hence, ensure that they are not a part of your menu. If you plan to serve meat, fish, or poultry, keep them covered until they are cooked, as they tend to attract flies and bees.
The challenges of an outdoor event are quite exceptional. What makes it interesting is the amount of scope you get for experimentation with the natural surroundings of the venue. You will find that your guests are enjoying much more in an open atmosphere and closer to the nature.