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Belated Happy Birthday Quotes

Sujata Iyer
Oops! You've gone and forgotten someone's birthday (again!) and you're skeptical about the sheepish grin working for you this time. What to do? What to do? Shower them with some quotes specially designed for occasions like these!
It's really upsetting when you realize that you've missed out on the birthday of a friend or family member. It's even worse when they remind you that you forgot! So, what works in a situation like this? Well to start off, try NOT to forget the birthday.
And if you do, then try to think of a better birthday message than "Oh! I remembered till last night, but in the morning it totally slipped my mind. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" It's haphazard and it just reinforces the person's irritation.
Need something better right? Why not try some cleverly crafted quotes especially for belated birthdays instead of an apology? Sounds good? Well then, you'll just have to read further to know some more.
Note: The quotes mentioned here are a compilation of messages from birthday cards and other birthday messages, not the writings of the author.
▪ A little bird told me you were having a birthday. He just told me a little late.
I hope your birthday was as special as you are.
Missed the day. But the good wishes are for always.
May you live all the days of your life. ~ Jonathan Swift.
▪ A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age. ~ Robert Frost.
Step by step the journey goes on,
Little by little it may seem so long.
Forget about your past, you can't change it,
Forget about your future, you can't predict it.
Just think about present, you can handle it.
Enjoy presents every moment & be happy....
Belated Happy Birthday to You....!
Wishing u a day soft as silk, white as milk, sweet as honey & full of money. May all your dreams come true. Belated Happy Birth day!!
▪ Your birthday came, your birthday went Here's the card I should have sent!
Happy Birthday - a little late, I know. Would you believe that the card took the scenic route? Have a great year!
▪ I missed your birthday and I feel empty inside. I don't suppose you have any cake left?
▪ How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older?
A Belated Happy Birthday to a terrific, wonderful, younger-looking, marvelous you. There, now! Wasn't that worth waiting for??!!
▪ I'm sorry I missed your birthday, you've had so many I lost track!!
▪ The birthday card isn't on time. But it's not my fault. I'm an early person trapped in a late person's body!
▪ I had this card all ready to send
I must be going round the bend!
To post it off, I clean forgot
So did you get it? You did not!
Well here it is, a day too late
Please forgive me, sorry mate!
▪ This card took skill and talent
And dedication to create
And days of thought and craftsmanship
It's no wonder that it's late.
▪ OK, so this card is late
Landing on your mat
But the others were bought in a shop
How difficult is that?
Apart from these, you can also opt for some funny anecdotes or incidents to include in your belated birthday message explaining why you couldn't wish the person. Nothing works better than a funny apology, for it's bound to compel the person to smile and forget the whole thing!