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6 Birthday Gift Ideas for Your Music-Loving Dear Ones

Shimul Kabir
Music is a hobby, a passion and a way of life. Therefore, if you have to give something to your music-loving dear ones, nothing like choosing a detail related to what he/she likes. If you can't think of anything we want to help you. Here is a list of gift ideas for your music-loving dear ones, something different that will help you find the best surprise.

The First Edition of a Disc or a Vinyl

Do you know any particular group that your dear ones love? An album that has become a musical milestone for him or her? Take advantage of it and use it to make a special gift.

This type of collector's pieces are usually the pride for true music lovers. A small collection of musical incunabula can be something him treasure for the rest of his life.

A Book on Music Theory

If your friend has been playing for many years and is almost a professional, you can choose to give him a book about harmony.

The basics of improvisation will help him create and develop his style. In case, you like to sing to the person who is going to receive your gift, you may be right with a songbook. Surely he can improve his vocal technique.

A Musical Instrument

In many cases, giving away an instrument can be very expensive. If we are talking about a professional ukulele or a good piano we can be talking about a lot of money. But in other cases, such as when a friend starts playing the guitar and needs a cheap or second hand, the investment does not have to be very high.

Accessories for the Musical Instrument

This will depend entirely on the instrument played by the person we are going to give. If he plays the violin, you can give him a cover to carry hanging like a backpack and in which to carry the scores on a zipper. If he plays the guitar, we could think of giving him a set of strings, a music stand to hold the scores, a distorted pedal, and a tuner.

Frame the Lyrics of His Favorite Song

If the person to whom you are giving the gift has a favorite group or singer, find out which song is always on their playlists. Choose a frame and print the letter giving it a personal touch.

You can also add changes to the letter giving it a personal touch that only you know or a funny touch, which will make the gift something unique and special.

Give Him a Special Edition of His Favorite Album

If whom you are going to give the gift has a favorite album, get his special edition, with “making-of”, concerts and other extras so that he can enjoy his favorite songs more thoroughly. If you are also lucky that an artist who likes to give a concert near your city, take the opportunity to give him some tickets to go see him live.