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Amazing 30th Birthday Ideas for Men

Sujata Iyer
Need some ideas to make your man's 30th birthday special? Read this information, and get ready to show him a super birthday!
A 30th birthday is a special milestone in a man's life. He's out of his twenties so he can get rid of any 'boyish' tags that may be attached to him. He gets treated like a grown man and is seen in a different light by the ladies. There's something about a guy in his thirties that exudes confidence and self-assurance.
If your partner is turning thirty soon, then you need some fabulous ideas to make him feel that extra bit special. And that's exactly what you'll get here. If the prospect of thinking of birthday ideas for him is making you jittery, then it's a good thing that you're reading this. Here are some good ideas that you can use to make his day extraordinary!

Celebration Ideas

Take Him Away

A creative birthday idea can be to whisk him away, beginning at midnight, to all the places that have been and are important to him since his birth. You can begin with his home and continue to all the places that hold a special place in his heart.
End with where you live now and show him how this is just the beginning of something new! You have 30 years worth of places to choose from, so you can't really make any excuse.

Surprise Him

Give him a surprise by inviting all his buddies and family members for a party. Get his childhood pictures and have a photo montage showing how he's grown from a crying baby to being the fine young man that you adore!

Gift Ideas

30 Gifts

You can give him 30 different gifts, each having a special meaning to you and the relationship that you share. They can be small and silly things, with some ridiculous quotes and some really sentimental ones too.
Apart from being romantic, it is also a creative and inexpensive gift that may require considerable planning and time.


Another idea is a jar of vouchers. Write up fancy coupons for different things, like a foot massage, or a favorite meal, that must be used up by him on his birthday.
Make sure you have all the necessary items and equipment (for lack of a better word) ready, to fulfill all his whims and fancies on his birthday. The birthday boy's wish should be your command!
So, that was about the kind of gifts you can give him and ways in which you can celebrate the day. Hope, they helped you in planning an exceptional birthday for him. Do let us know how the idea/s worked. And yes, a very happy birthday to Mr. Soon-to-be-thirty!